USTMA Statement on Trump Administration's Decision to Impose Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum from Canada, the European Union and Mexico

For more information contact: Kim Kleine
(202) 682-4856

Trade Restrictions With Our Leading Allies Will Harm Downstream Manufacturers and U.S. Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Anne Forristall Luke, President and CEO of the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA), today released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, the EU and Mexico.

“We are deeply disappointed by the Trump Administration’s decision today. Already we are seeing swift retaliation and proposed countermeasures from our closest trading partners which is harmful to America’s manufacturers, the U.S. economy and our global relationships. In addition, our members have been clear about the impact of such tariffs on the growing U.S. tire manufacturing industry. These tariffs could undercut future domestic growth, limit the availability of high-quality steel and impact American tire manufacturing jobs.”

“More specifically, the $27 billion U.S. tire industry is responsible for more than a quarter million domestic jobs. Our companies operate 57 tire-related manufacturing facilities in 18 states. We have enjoyed years of sustained growth, expanding our footprint across the U.S. It’s vital we maintain this domestic growth and economic impact, and yet this action today has the real potential of decelerating these positive trends.”

“Finally, imported high-quality steel is critical for tire production. U.S. tire manufacturers depend on grades of steel which are unavailable domestically to produce tires. This is why effective trade policies with countries like Canada and the EU are vital to our business operations.”


About U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association: The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S. Our 12 member companies operate 57 tire-related manufacturing facilities in 18 states and generate over $27 billion in annual sales. We directly support more than a quarter million tire manufacturing U.S. jobs – totaling almost $20 billion in wages. In 2017, USTMA members accounted for 82 percent of the 316 million passenger, light truck and truck tire shipments in the U.S.

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